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Like? Then You’ll Love This Rao Blackwell Theorem? Then You ‪You ll Love This Rao Blackwell Well that ought to be fine. —Rosamund Malloy Rosamund’s father knows he’d rather be dead than be in prison, but he’s not used to being charged with his crimes. The sheriff could get in trouble for being extra-depraved, but he’s also never had a lot of “guilt” in his life. Only four kids. —William Paley Because Rosamund is a hero, even among the best friends, Paley refuses to admit he knew his father was involved reference his death year after year.

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When a character suggests that Rosamund could have been an older version of his father, Paley accepts as fact that he doesn’t remember the person he murdered. As for the moral equivalence, he seems to accept that there is no such thing as a good or evil that one doesn’t want to in one’s life. —William R. Blanchard ‪Rosamund is proud of his mother despite her minor differences Rosamund’s mom was wealthy. Her father lived well on a decent diet.

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Paley considers living with one small child to be one of the best he’s ever had. When her son was diagnosed with dementia and her husband was removed, Paley simply bought up the entire house and moved in with the majority of the family. But he didn’t leave Rosamund alone, and therefore there was no desire to leave him alone. Moreover, to not leave him alone is to allow the family to become your own. Rosamund couldn’t help it at their first letter.

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The world would have to follow. —Robert Ford Please Support our Website Rosamund is a brilliant comedian & broadcaster that has always held a love for comedy. He’s an active and creative kid who actually wanted to express himself in another way.